Monday 29 April 2013

At last, my book Turning Selling into Buying is finished and I now have head space to write this blog - at least until 30 May when it launches!

Thanks you all for your patience - I intend it will be worth waiting for!  I've seen and noticed so much around me that I want to share with you all.  I really do hope that you, in turn, will share back what you experience and observe - and share my blog with others....

I spent this weekend with an amazing bunch of really great lawyers doing some high energy sales training.  We had such a great time and the highlight of the weekend was when a senior partner completely ‘lost it’ whilst acting in one of the playlets that we do.  He was so unable to control his laughing that he had to hand the script over to a colleague - despite restarting twice - and with tears still rolling down his face!

Apart from the fun, the outstanding impression was how much personal interpretation and filtration was done by the 36 attendees as they took in the various sketches we do.  Each illustrates one or two specific Sales Influence points, and every person receives the same information.  But each person’s unconscious only grabs hold of the parts that are significant to them...

In the discussion in the bar afterwards, you would think each person had seen a different production…
...they each deleted, distorted and generalised in a very different way.

The same is true when we talk to our buyers about what they need from us.  I asked the students what they'd taken away from the sketches - so they told me.  You can do the same with your buyers ... 
Rather than assuming they'd got the right impression, don't be afraid to ask them.